26 May 2024

GooseandClover Broadcasting's "Glossary"

----- ----- ----- ----- ----- {WORK IN PROGRESS} ----- ----- ----- ----- -----

The root of "violence" is "violate", therefore violence does not need to be physical in nature.

"Bullying" is bullying, whether online or off; "bullying" is commission of violence against another for bigotrous reasons.

"Bigotry" is utilization of institutional thinking, and demarkation of a hierarchy based on perceived value of institutions.  for instance:  historically, rich people have perceived themselves to be "better than" everyone else; "rich people" is one institution and "everyone else" is the other.  "men" or "males" is commonly used to refer to an institution rather than to a gender or identity, and that is how you can tell "sexism" from "feminism". {another popular synonym for "bigotry", today, is "elitism".}


--  GooseandClover Broadcasting does not interchange the terms "gender", "identity" and "sexuality" with each other, and "pronouns" are determined by identity and neither of the other two.  "pansexual" ≠ "pangender", for instance, and neither does "a-sexual" [for humans].

-  objectively, the root of "gender" is "gene".  if you're genes say that you're male [regardless what you identify as and regardless who you are or are not attracted to], your gender is male; same for female and hermaphrodite.  GooseandClover Broadcasting has invented neither genes nor penises and vaginas; "the doctor" did not, either, and they marked down "male, female or hermaphrodite" not "boy, girl, ...".

-  beyond being male, female or hermaphrodite, your "identity" might be man, woman, both, pangender, gender-fluid, etc.

-  beyond gender and identity, a person is naturally attracted to or naturally repellent from the kaleidosocope of potential mates available; attraction and repellence determines "sexuality".


13 October 2023

my therapy thing entry

--  things that i do the therapy thing for:

-  Neurotic Depression due to Schizotypal Personality disorder

-  Schizotypal Personality Disorder [which is most closely kin to ASD/Asperger's]

-  Traumatic Stress Depression

-  the combination of Neurotic Depression due to Schizotypal Personality Disorder and Traumatic Stress Depression

--  things that i need for therapy {i'm not sharing this list nor any other such list and passive-aggressively [or whatever] asking for anyone to get these things for me.  i am sharing because some people might like to know and because some people might get ideas for themeselves or others.}:

-  https://www.amazon.com/Oxford-Stone-Notebook-Sheets-161641/dp/B07C32J5TM

-  https://www.amazon.com/uni-ball-Rollerball-Handwriting-Resistant-Ballpoint/dp/B016BHQ2NO

-  https://www.amazon.com/Honsheng-Surfing-Boy-Paperweight-Decorations/dp/B0BHKJKN5D

-  https://www.amazon.com/Hide-Drink-Leather-Juggling-Balls/dp/B08LZ58C5T

-  https://www.amazon.com/Hide-Drink-Juggling-Equipment-Professional/dp/B07PDSMZSZ

-  https://www.amazon.com/Soho-Urban-Artist-Pochade-Easel/dp/B07DNG6CZP


-  https://www.amazon.com/Columbian-Invitation-Envelopes-Inches-CO198/dp/B000083E4Z and https://www.amazon.com/Bright-White-Smooth-Paper-Sheets/dp/B01AFH8KFE

-  https://www.amazon.com/Soho-Urban-Artist-Painting-Lightweight/dp/B08V23KPKH







https://www.amazon.com/Polish-Lustrous-Resistant-Longwear-Formula/dp/B003HLQVNE [for the Red Thumb thing]

https://www.amazon.com/Polish-Lustrous-Resistant-Longwear-Formula/dp/B003HLQVNE [for the Purple Pinky thing]
























01 September 2023

GooseandClover Broadcasting - Where Funding Goes

absolutely none of the funds generated by viewer investment, and/nor affiliation or partnership with broadcasting platform, and/nor sponsorship goes toward broadcaster's income.  {the only exception is the broadcaster taking advantage of music and video streaming service subscriptions offline.}

all funding goes directly into the production of the show [which will run for an hour and a half per week]; this show is a hobby, not employment.

Production Expenses:

--  music

-  purchases

-  Spotify Premium subscription [to help ensure that appropriate royalties go to @Halocene for my use of Halocene Stream Music, and so that i can have the playlist available to play from a device rather than clogging up my bandwidth] = $16.99/mo

-  tier 3 subscription to Halocene's Twitch channel and the occasional "kick over"

-  Amazon Music Unlimited subscription [for use along with purchased music in the Amazon Music Twitch Extension] = $200/year

--  moderators [current moderators are not obligated to attend, let alone do any moderating, and are welcome and trusted to]

-  tier three subscriptions to their channels [currently, three] and "kick over"

--  philanthropic interests

--  props and activities

--  various channels available on Prime Video [for watch parties; these will be infrequent because they will run over an hour and a half]

-  Paramount+/Showtime = $11.99/mo

-  Max = $15.99/mo

-  miscellaneous = upwards of $23.97/mo

--  digital studio subscription

-  Wirecast = $799 [one time] + $299/year

25 August 2023

new Windows computer setup - first steps

 {between the video and this rundown, i figure i've covered everything.  if something comes up, during my initial setup of my Hyundai HTN4020MPC02, i'll update this to include it.}

video that goes along with this:  here

i will "shout out" NCH Software at the top, here.


new laptop in question:  Hyundai HyBook HT14CCIC44EGP

--  128GB embedded [stock] storage and 4GB embedded RAM
--  "expansion" module for a "B-keyed" M.2 AHCI-controlled 2240/2242 SSD card
--  TF [aka microSD] chip port for ReadyBoost support; max 256GB


Follow this guide, and do these things [DISM before SFC, though]

--  upon completion of the driver update in the setup
--  every time Windows Updates
--  directly after running a program like BleachBit
--  directly after installing critical software [like antivirus and other security software]
--  often, if you have your Pagefile [aka "Virtual Memory"] on default settings
-  especially directly after defragmenting [which you shouldn't need to do if you've moved pagefile off of C:\ ]
-  including directly after every time you install a video game onto the same partition as your Pagefile through a client like Steam [and reverify your install with your Steam-esque client directly after doing these things]
--  directly after every time you've "forced" a scan with your antivirus and other security software [unless you're using ClamWin (portable)]

software downloaded [just in case] and not used for setup:

GPartedSnappy Driver Installer-Origin

other software:

The Gimp [portable] , Inkscape [portable] , Abiword [portable] , ImageGlass , Slimjet [portable] , 

software used for setup:

7-Zip [portable] , Macrorit Disk Partition Expert [portable] , Revo Uninstaller [portable (alternative)]*** , DriverPack [Snappy Driver Installer]* , Portable Update [PortUP]** , Warp Drive by NCH , Netstalker , ClamWin (portable) , Equalizer APO , 

--  *Prefer the Offline Installation Package, and you will
-  you will need Visual C++ Runtime and Transmission Torrent Client
-  the only two problems that i had with the DriverPack [installable] version:
1-  it "updated" the Everest [embedded] audio controller driver to an incompatible version [had to go into Device Information in Computer Management and "roll the driver back"].
2-  i had to uninstall the Visual C++ that was installed for DriverPack in order to install appropriate Visual Studio runtime for Intel Driver & Support Assistant.

--  **Disable Automatic Microsoft Updates
-  before updating Windows [and before the first DISM/SFC check] run the drivers installer again, in case only prerequisites for up-to-date drivers have been installed {this is a failing of Windows Update; often enough, it will install prerequisites to up-to-date [because those are the next updates] and there will be lag time between installing those and installing more, let alone and installing up-to-date; also, Windows Update will fail installations if the DISM/SFC considerations are corrupt.}, over and over until it stops saying you need updates.
-  follow the DISM/SFC guide upon completion of running PortUp.

--  ***Using Revo Uninstaller, instead of doing this trough Windows, gives you the option to delete junk files left behind that Windows disregards.  You need to be careful when doing this, and super careful when using a program like BleachBit, though; another drawback is that you cannot Disable Windows Features through Revo Uninstaller nor uninstall programs that have been installed through Windows Store.

software uninstalled for setup:

Microsoft Office [with Revo Uninstaller], Microsoft Office [through Microsoft Store] , Email [default; through Microsoft Store], Messaging [through Microsoft Store], Mobile Plans [through Microsoft Store], Photos [through Microsoft Store], OneDrive [through Microsoft Store; has been discontinued anyway], OneNote [through Microsoft Store], Microsoft Whiteboard [through Microsoft Store], Groove Music [through Microsoft Store], Windows Media Player [through Control Panel/Programs and Features/Windows Features], 

{by "through Microsoft Store" i mean that i found the appropriate shortcut in the Start Menu, right-clicked it, and selected "Uninstall"; also, i Taskbar-Searched for "start menu", opened the Start Menu folder, and had to delete the Windows Media Player shortcut from the Programs folder there.}


very first setup steps:


-- look up how much RAM is installed, multiply by 3 and round up to the nearest factor of 5; write this figure down

-- open Computer Management, select Disk Management, verify if Recovery Partition can be removed from here or not [do not remove it, yet; just right-click and look for the Delete or Remove option].

-- Create Recovery Media; if Recovery Partition may be removed as part of this wizard, do so here.

- if the Recovery Partition cannot be removed by either of the above methods, use Macrorit Disk Partition Expert [free version; portable version, and this version must be on the computer (Desktop is the easiest place to run it from)]

-- shrink C:\ ["Windows Partition"] down to accommodate the written down figure At The Back [far right on the bar] of the drive

- once the Recovery Partition is removed, this step can be done with either Disk Management in Windows Computer Management or with Macrorit Disk Partition Expert

might as well use the same program for all of these steps: remove Recovery Partition, shrink "Windows Partition", create new partition to designate for Pagefile

-- create new partition at back of drive to designate for Pagefile

- have this new partition formatted to NTFS [or whichever file format Windows is installed on]

-- open Advanced Systems Settings, select "Settings" button under Performance, Select "Advanced" tab, switch from "Program" to "Background services"

-- open Advanced Systems Settings, select "Settings" button under Performance, Select "Advanced" tab, select "Change" button under Virtual Memory

- migrate "pagefile" off of C:\ directory ["Windows partition“] by selecting new partition in list, selecting Custom, settings should be Minimum = installed RAM and Maximum = three times installed RAM

the remainder [having rounded up] is "breathing room"; "A dog can stand up in the crate, and that doesn't mean that the crate isn't too small."

windows has a tendency to get its version of claustrophobic and/or other conditions, when it comes to Virtual Memory and, "A space [floor-to-ceiling] that has the exact measurements as the bookshelf that you're trying to put into it doesn't mean there's enough room to get the bookshelf through the door and then swing it into place."

- soon as the pagefile is Set in the new partition, select C:\ in the menu, Unselect "Allow Windows to manage … automatically …", then select No Pagefile and Set

{most people leave the Pagefile how it comes, they don't even know about these settings, and they just load their hard drive with a lot of software [a lot of which are resource hogs; resources include pre-fetch from pagefile].

{the more software that is installed onto the pagefile partition, the more scattered the pagefile needs to be to run [hence having to Defragment, ever] and the more your programs struggle to run, especially since most of today's software runs in Roaming Files and not in Program Files.

{also, the more full the pagefile partition is of other things, the less pagefile can actually be there, and the more your software struggles to run; pagefile is a shared resource, and it is used in the background [a reason why switching from Foremost Graphical Representation ("Programs") to Background services is a great idea.}


-- download RevoUninstaller [portable version]

- go into Control Panel, switch to Large [or Small] Icons, check Programs and Features, open "Turn Windows features on or off"

there should be only so many things to turn off, here.

there is a codec pack called Combined Community Codec Pack [CCCP] which can be installed to run any media file format in Windows Media Player. alternatively, there is a program called Media Player Classic-Home Cinema [i mistakenly called this MHC in the video, and it is MPC-HC] and you can uninstall Windows Media Player because it will be unnecessary.

-- create new folder on desktop

- go into C:\ directory in Windows Explorer, open Windows and locate Fonts [DO NOT open Fonts, yet], right-click Fonts in C:\Windows and copy into the new folder on the desktop

-- if you would like to uninstall Microsoft Office, open RevoUninstaller and uninstall Microsoft Office, here; with this program, and not through Windows Control Panel, you'll be able to delete junk leftovers

- while RevoUninstaller is open, uninstall everything that you don't want

{not shown in video because i didn't know, at the time, that this is a thing:

{Microsoft Office is pre\-installed twice: once the traditional way [uninstalled with Revo Uninstaller] and once through Microsoft Store, so you will also need to go through the start menu, right-click the Office icon and select Uninstall.}

- delete leftover files [upon completion of uninstall, hit "Scan" for leftover files]

there are things that you will want to keep which share certain files with what you want to lose, so you need to learn what potentially shares what and you need to be careful; once you get the hang of it, you will be able to feel out when you should choose Safe Scan, Moderate Scan or Advanced Scan.

3- before you uninstall Office 365, open C:\Windows and locate [do not open] Fonts; right-click the Fonts item in the Windows folder, select "Copy" and paste it onto the desktop, temporarily.

-- remove the Composite Fonts into their own folder

4- to back up system-provided wallpapers, open C:\Windows and search for each .jpg, .jpeg, .bmp, .gif, .webp, and .png .

-- best to select all, in each case, and copy everything into a folder on the desktop; once that's done, open that folder, right-click a blank area in the folder, hover over View, select either Details or Large Icons.

- if Details is selected, can click on the "Size" tab in the folder and sort from Largest to Smallest. it's pretty easy to tell the delineation from wallpapers to miscellaneous.

GooseandClover's "Setup"

{work in progress [post and components alike]; i have only so much time to work on these posts--and only so large a budget--at a time, at the moment.  please, bear with me.}

{also, in case you're interested:  how i set up my new Windows computers, since having "crash-coursed" in preventative maintenance in the Navy.}


--  fiber optic underground around town to the service box.
--  Cox-installed coaxial from the service box into the building.
{-  Amphenol TFC-T10 4001538 Series 6 [RG6] coaxial wire.}
--  Holland Electronics F-81 coupler between Cox-installed wire and Ground Loop Isolator.

--  Holland Electronics Ground Loop Isolator plus Surge Protector.
--  Amphenol ABS313H three-way splitter [one off-set port, designated for broadcasting] with Surge Protection.
--  Amphenol TFC-T10 4001538 {Series 6, to start; Series 11 when i get a Klein Tools Coaxial toolbox kit} wire from splitter to modem.
--  NETGEAR Nighthawk CM1100.
-  LogiLink CQ8023S Cat8e wire [supports 1000MHz].

i will likely start with my desk-bound laptop connected directly to the modem, and will use it for a hotspot/router thing until i've gotten my Hyundai HTN4020MPC02 sorted.


Designated "Gateway" [Palisade-inspired theme]

-- Hyundai mini-PC [model HTN4020MPC02].
-  128GB embedded [aka eMMC] storage.
-  2TB Seagate SkyhawkMini HDD ["expansion" storage].

-  maybe, Teamgroup MS30 "B+M-keyed" SSD card ["expansion" storage].

-  4GB embedded RAM.

-  128GB Tridenite TF/microSD chip ["expansion" part].
-  comes with Windows 10 Professional; will switch to linux when ready to.
-  Sanyo DP19647 television {"cursed" [780p screen, and plastic molding covers a nice crop-bordering of it]. 😔}.

Desk-bound Laptop [no theme]

--  HP15 [model 15-1272wm].
-  1TB Seagate FireCuda SSHD.
8GB HyperX Impact RAM.
-  Windows 10 Ultimate.
-  64GB Verbatim Store-n-Stay "nano" usb key [for making use of Windows's ReadyBoost].

Roaming Laptop [Tiburón-inspired Theme]

--  Hyundai HyBook [model HT14CCIC44EGP].

-  128GB embedded [aka eMMC] storage.
-  maybe, Teamgroup MS30 "B+M-keyed" SSD card ["expansion" storage].
-  4GB embedded RAM.
-  Windows 10 Professional.
-  256GB Tridenite TF/microSDXC chip ["expansion" part].

10 December 2022

GooseandClover currently banned from:

     List Of Bigots And Other Douchebags Who Have Banned "GooseandClover" On Twitch {Who I Am Aware Of}.

along with Twitch's Terms Of Service , there are Twitch's Community Guidelines .

when you agree to follow Terms Of Service, you agree to follow Community Guidelines.

a Twitch Affiliate agrees, twice, to follow Twitch Community Guidelines.

a Twitch Partner agrees, thrice, to follow Twitch Community Guidelines.

a Twitch Partner Plus agrees, four or five times, to follow Twitch Community Guidelines.

a Twitch Ambassador [i hope] agrees to a Code Of Conduct additional to Twitch Community Guidelines.

outnumbering your victim(s) does not magically exempt you from having to follow Community Guidelines, and outnumbering your victim(s) doesn't magically make your victim(s) the problem.

being a moderator, even one of @AyyTrae 's, does not magically mean that you're never wrong and that you never abuse the Moderator role and tools.

because agreeing to Twitch Terms Of Service = agreeing to Twitch Community Guidelines, Twitch Terms Of Service say 1- Banning is disciplinary action and Blocking is not, 2- you do need a reason, and a good one, to Ban someone, and 3- bullying is bullying no matter who is bullying and no matter that the bullies outnumber their victim(s).

broadcasters who leave their moderators to their own devices are in violation of Twitch Terms Of Service by being in violation of Twitch Community Guidelines.

Unban Request Review Streams are violation of Twitch Terms Of Service by violating Twitch Community Guidelines.

Banning someone because you don't need a reason to is Hateful Conduct, which violates Twitch Terms Of Service by violating Twitch Community Guidelines.

Banning someone because you don't want them in your "community", and not being able to offer a reason why you don't want them in your "community", is Hateful Conduct which violates Twitch Terms Of Service by violating Twitch Community Guidelines.

Banning someone because you don't want them in your "community"--and not wanting them {like in my case} in your "community" because they're male and don't behave like the males who you call friends [who, themselves, bully and violate Twitch Terms Of Service by violating Twitch Community Guidelines]--is Hateful Conduct which violates Twitch Terms Of Service by violating Twitch Community Guidelines.

Banning someone for standing up to bullies, because you don't know what a bully looks like when they stare back at you from the mirror, is Hateful Conduct which violates Twitch Terms Of Service by violating Twitch Community Guidelines.

going around behind your victim's back, as it were, to Encourage Hateful Behavior toward that victim from others [especially by selling slander which carefully manipulates empathy for yourself and outrage toward the victim] violates Twitch Terms Of Service not only by violating Twitch Community Guidelines but also by violating Anti-Bullying Law [not just in USA, though some states have bullshit legislation about it].

for instance:

@aicute chose to misinterpret my stance that her little "quiz" to get into her "pet me" channel, on her Discord server, is bullshit--at least, the scoring of it is because @aicute , objectively, is not well-educated--and that the advertising of the channel is false to be that i was hoping to force my way into the channel is Hateful Conduct on her part.

@aicute 's moderator's choice to bully me, including to tell me that the channel i was looking for in @aicute 's Discord server existed even though it does not, is Hateful Conduct on his part.

{if timing is to be believed} @littlesiha 's choice to Ban me because @aicute ran crying to her, and @aicute 's moderator corroborates the slander about me, is Hateful Conduct on Avery's part; @aicute and her moderator Encouraged Hateful Behavior toward me from Avery, and Avery acted on someone's "say-so" rather than on something that she witnessed and without giving me a chance to defend myself against the slander.

Banning me from either channel is Hateful Conduct because their reason for Banning me is fantasy {the fantasy being that they're not bullies and that, even if they are, i have no Right to stand up to them}.

telling someone, "If you don't like it, you don't have to be here," not only violates Twitch Terms Of Service by violating Twitch Community Guidelines but also violates your own Channel Rules and Anti-Bullying Law.  you are, effectively, telling your victim to kill theirself.

exercising double-standard--which means that some viewers have to abide your Channel Rules while you, moderators, and others do not have to abide your Channel Rules--violates Twitch Terms Of Service by violating Twitch Community Guidelines.

telling someone [like in my case] that they're welcome around only if they self-oppress or "get with 'the program'" by feigning empathy like everyone else does is Hateful Conduct which violates Twitch Terms Of Service by violating Twitch Community Guidelines.

Banning someone because you read a piece of a sentence, out of order, from something that they posted on X and you decided that you know all about what they're saying from that one out-of-order piece of a sentence because other people say what you've decided this one person is saying is Hateful Conduct which violates Twitch Terms Of Service by violating Twitch Community Guidelines.

deliberately showing only partial evidence [omitting what might make you and/or your friend(s) look bad], to substantiate the slander that you're selling in gossip and whispers about someone {like in my case}, is Hateful Conduct which violates Twitch Terms Of Service by violating Twitch Community Guidelines.

MY choice to stand up to and to speak out against this list of bullies and those who have Banned me that i am not, yet, aware of [even on X] does not violate Twitch Terms Of Service, even by violating Twitch Community Guidelines.

i have the Right to know what i'm accused of, i have the Right to confront those who assault me, and i have the Right to be left alone.

very recently, @Kiki took advantage of @iwasintheshower 's mistaken decision that @Kiki 's good people to NOT LEAVE ME ALONE! and that not only violated Twitch Terms Of Service by violating Twitch Community Guidelines but also put @iwasintheshower in violation of Twitch Terms Of Service by violating Twitch Community Guidelines.

@Kiki couldn't even call me a freak to my face, and i was standing right next to her [so to speak].

of course, @Kiki qualified bullying me in front of @iwasintheshower not only by calling me a "freak" [because, despite what she thinks me behaving like an adult should look like (which contradicts what she thinks herself behaving like an adult should look like), i behave like an adult rather than like a child] but also by Banning me with saying, "... who is still talking about me on Twitter."

... and she and others use the excuse, "Well, I shouldn't have to leave him alone because he doesn't leave anyone alone."

the contrast is that, should i leave my bullies alone, they'll never leave me alone because they've decided that i deserve to not be left alone just because i am not like them.

it's not my fault that it's demanded of me to be the only adult in any given dispute, and it's not my fault that the children who demand of me adult behavior are also convinced that they have never needed parenting.


if you can tell me, without being bigots and douchebags about it, what i've done wrong and how i'm the problem, [please] tell me.

if you've decided that i'm the problem just because people who you call friends say so, then you're full of shit.

if you've decided that i'm the problem because i'd rather treat people like we're equals than like anyone's an invalid, then you're full of shit.

if you've decided that i've done wrong by telling the truth about people on X while they slander me where i can't see nor hear them do it, then you're full of shit.

if you've decided that i'm the problem because i'm not a druggy nor alcoholic, then you're full of shit.

if you've decided that i've done wrong by holding anyone to their claim that their "community" is a safe place for anyone except for bullies, then you're full of shit.

if you've decided that i'm the problem because i refuse to be bullied without a fight, then you're full of shit.

if you've decided that i owe you anything, and that you owe me nothing, then you're full of shit.

if you've decided, without knowing anything true about me, that i'm part of the institution that is "men" and [therefore] deserve to be punished and never left alone, then you're full of shit.

if you're convinced that you're "a 'minority'", and you've decided that that exempts you from having to leave me alone [even exempts you from being called a bully or a child (and you think like a child therefore you are a child)], then you're full of shit.

if you can't read, that's not my fault, and you're full of shit.

if you Ban me just because you can, you're full of shit.

if you Ban me to try to impress upon me that you're in charge, you're full of shit.

if you Ban me just because i'm not like you [and it's not my fault that you defraud yourself], then you're full of shit.

tell me every little way that i should be like you, and "no one" would Ban me; please!  i dare you.


@ferocia , @icyrayne , @imkatt , @cuurly_fries , @unumz , @aimzatchu , @ayytrae , @solar_plexuss , @blondiesea , @cahlaflour , @bittie , @bloodyfaster , @pintsizetiger , @smexi , @negaoryx , @camms , @sleepyheadd , @chrispygameplay , @katskratchh , @rottenpapi , @koolysmiley , @iihezzy , @sarcasmalways , @missmyranda , @inviicta , *@vennabean , @nerdynetty , @lucy , @luxiegames , @2bratty , @chillbobagginz , @ashleyroboto , @aliythia , @thatnerdviolet , @podgie , @jasonsulli , @sayheyrocco , @thugkage , @sariaslays , @partbunny , @jayskott , @briziana , @xo_damage , @mischacrossing , @pamylz , @demitrios , @whatifjulia , @dayoshi , @ldydrgnslyr , @ainevixen , @milobentley , @kiki , @madietaylar , @arieljadelive , @sashagrey , @fluffylives , @watchvenn , @tndncy , @vana , @jambo , @aicute , @littlesiha , @astroanie , @annikrevice , @danicarockwood , @skinnedteen , @xspiritwolfx_ , @kirachats , @motherrmoon , @louiseyhannah , @360chrism , @supersleepyt , @finamenon , @teawithmandy , @ligerzero_gaming , @nicholegoodnight , @narwhaljp , @tipsterlive , @mortuarydarling , @gh0starcade , @saiphe , @sincerelylyn , @mcroft07 , @lowco , @oryen , @mystickittenn , @katgunn , @carla , @blizz , @loserfruit [aptly chosen handle] , @sleepyheadd , @linksgroupie , @fiamma , @happykrakenx , @failish , @deadlynaya , @tiddly , @xocheergurlox , @xxbrandy , @bbjess , @saira , @lunity , @iwasintheshower , @shellsea , @caaaaate , @fawn , @marymajora , @mittenskittens , @WhoIsTheBlondeGirl , @salem_vande , @jazzzygo

* = legitimate Ban for legitimate reason


unbanned from these channels, just to be rebanned on the inside of 24 hours [bait-n-switch bullying]:

30May2021 - @lil_lexi

18July2021 - @sirkatelyn


          Current Events:

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if anyone needs a computer [including laptops], or parts or anything, XBit, LLC. is a good place to start looking around.

if you would like to help chip into a movie's production, Stutter might still need some help.

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"Glossary Definition"s:

--  "panhandling" is contribution-based entertainment.  historically, most commonly, Evangelists ["Revivals"], Grifters ["Medicine Shows"], Romani and other caravan-communities [most of which are mistakenly called "gypsies"] would hold a pan out by its handle and "good will" contributions [generated by affect of each show or (more often) by the ambition of a given spectator] would be placed into the pan.

--  "Community-driven" does not mean that any contributor has any Right to make demands nor employ extorcion for sake of steering administrative decisions--including in studio/"setup" component selection.  Malicious Manipulation is bullying, and GooseandClover Broadcasting has a Zero-Tolerance Policy toward bullying.

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contributions by only electronic gift cards will be accepted; send to gooseandclover@gmx.com , please.

Dissemination Chart

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GooseandClover Broadcasting's "Glossary"

----- ----- ----- ----- ----- {WORK IN PROGRESS} ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- The root of "violence" is "violate", ther...