July 4, 1776: some men signed and dispatched the Declaration Of Independence, which [by itself] acknowledges the following rights that whould be recognized in any given person from birth:
- the right to Life
- the right to Liberty [which doesn't necessarily mean "Freedom"]
- the right to Pursue happiness.
since then, it had been acknowledged that the ensurance of Liberty demands the Right To Defend Liberty even at home and of civilians. Also, it became a point to define which Liberties we have a right to: the liberty to speak as we feel like so long as we neither slander others nor speak treason, the liberty to write freely, though unofficially, and without fear of repercussion so long as we don't libel others nor print treason. the liberty to utillize whatever available resources [aka "Arms"] we need, at minimum, to defend Liberty.
today, if you were new in USA, and Independence Day is your first day here, and you don't see that there are very few people who actually honor the meaning of the day, sure, you might as well live here.
while i handle and work with fireworks, from time to time, everyone else here plays with fireworks.
you wouldn't be able to tell the adult-aged children from the actual adults because the vast majority is adult-aged children, and you will just take it for granted that they're adults in mind [where it counts] and not children.
i think i'm the only person, adult or child, in USA who know what reverence is and exercises it, who isn't a Buddhist monk--and, while i am Catholic, i am not the Pope kind of "Catholic", i am actually Catholic.
people call USA "America", and i'm likely the only person in USA who doesn't encourage it; what people call "ego" ... i don't have one, truthfully. i would prefer watch other people succeed to my own success, provided each success is on each person's own merit rather than on their appearance, and people in USA have adopted the freedom to be superficial.
just shy of everyone in the whole Western Hemisphere is American; in USA, i feel like i'm the only actual adult at the party, and i'm ready to leave ... i just can't.
i would not wish USA on anybody and, if it would do any good, i would actually warn people away.
live here at your own risk because, guaranteed, you're going to lose your values and any shot at actual adulthood unless you cleave to me.