17 October 2020

now that i have my webhooks straightened out:


on November 1, 2020, i will attempt my first stream on Twitch.


one hour and one half-hour/day for 7 days [i will just start streaming, so keep an eye out for me, please], and i will attempt a modern take on a puppet show.

i need 8 hours, cumulative, spread out over 7 different days and all in the same month.

i also need an average of 3 viewers for the entire eight hours, so if three of you would care to come visit for an hour and a half/day 7 times, then you would be well received.

i have one bot that's always on, and the other two bots of mine might make an appearance.

i've spent the last three months preparing, and i would start now except that i need to wait until i can pay what i owe my local library, so that i may borrow one of their T-Mobile hotspot devices [so that i don't have to worry about a 100GB cap.

here, shortly, i will setup and alias account [sudo-GooseandClover], and i will hopefully have some people [like the YouTuber sina-drums] streaming there, especially if they would like to stream from time to time and would like to not have their own account(s) on Twitch.

more to come; this is my first official post for the blog.

thank you for visiting, and thank you for reading.

~, gooseandclover

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GooseandClover Broadcasting's "Glossary"

----- ----- ----- ----- ----- {WORK IN PROGRESS} ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- The root of "violence" is "violate", ther...