19 May 2021

You Need a New Committee, or several








hello, everyone! 😃

i hope that all is well, all things considered--and, no, i have placed myself at the back of the line for the vaccine, if only because i caught a stomache bug while calling on Rio de Janeiro with USS Ronald Reagan [CVN-76] in 2004 and there are so many people who need the vaccine more than i do.

for clarification:  i'm neither greedy nor glutinous; i have never had much of a care for self-preservation, prefering to go to bat for the people around me when someone has needed to.

not one of you will like what i'm about to say, and that doesn't make what i'm about to say any less true.  after all, a lie is dependent on belief that it's the truth; the truth is wholly independent.

i, myself, happen to be the minority out of upwards of Seven Billion people.

if  you look me up, please, look me up as Brandon Eugene Bohuis, and not as Brandon Bolhuis.  even though they should be going by SSNs:  Equifax, Experion and TransUnion [thus FICO] has my credit reports and records mixed up with two other Brandon Bolhuises [if not three (of four total)].


a new committee needs to be formed if only to determine Today's social dynamics.

i was banned from a Twitch channel, recently, accused of being 20 years younger than i actually am and of never having set foot in a sociology class of any sort.

the problem is that Sociology Classes don't teach Philosophy, at least not relative to behavioural Cause And Affect/Effect.  Philosophy majors have gotten a largely bad rap, for a very long time, and ... well, to be fair, i would likely be the only Philosophy major [if i could ever have been] who took philosophy seriously, unless you count the Finchmeisters of the world as being serious about philosophy.

what i learned, from my little skermish which lead to my banning from that Twitch channel, is that Sociology Classes teach Sociology all wrong:
     if they're teaching people that, say, i happen to be wholly priviledged [though i might never have noticed it] just because it happened that i was born white and with XY chromasomes, then they teach Sociology wholly wrong.

i was born with Schizotypal Personallity Disorder, which automatically put me in a minority [big picture thinking], and that's because Like-Mindedness is indescriminant of other factors.  add to my Schizotypal Personality my PTSD, which i've had for 26 years and is from experience with/among Society rather than from my experience in the US Navy [July 7, 2001 - November 12, 2004].

I am not like-minded with anyone, out of upwards of Seven Billion people, therefore I happen to be THE minority.

likely, you still aren't hearing me, let alone listening:

look at the current Urban dialect of English; lazified.

people--regardless of color, gender, gender "choice", sexuality, etc--have become a Society chock full of "I would rather not ..."-thinking people.

everything, everything, including the Christian/Jewish/Muslim [true Islam]/Buddhist/etc. request, "Love your brothers, your neighbors, appreciate life in general," is too much work for the vast majority.

got asians hating white people, or i wouldn't have been banned from that channel [despite being the only one who was being honestt and fair in that entire conversation], women hating men, etc. ...
     ... and, yet, somehow, only white men have the capability to be racist, only men are capable of being sexist/chauvinistic/misogynistic, ... only straight white men have the capability to be "transphobic" [which, now, by the way, is an umbrella term for anyone who hates (or even just appears to hate) any color of the rainbow Except straight, white men who were born with XY chromasomes].

i've mentioned my PTSD:  my own mother chose to take it upon herself to "train" me.

every man, until she met and married my father, did wrong by her and she was bound and determined to burn out of my any inclination to do wrong by women.

my aunt Peggy [Margaret Rose Swatsenbarg] passed while married to José Varela, and my mother blamed Joe and their male children for Aunt Peggy's death.

my mother wanted for me to--for all appropriate image based on today's vernacular--be a "simp".

she wanted for my sole purpose in life, especially my sole romantic purpose, to be that i would simper around, say, "Yes, ma'am!  Thank you, ma'am!" and that i would not complain about my life being one-sided; she wanted for me to accept that that's how my life should be.

my mother was vindicated--and her philosophy over the kind of man that i should've grown up to be was reinforced--by Kansas Judges- Barker, Johnson, Thomson [and, in some ways, Stoss] having given over their verdicts of me from the stance that i am a man who has been accused [especially over and over] by women, and that gender deference Alone makes me guilty as accused.

hell, Judge Johnson saw three Acts of ONE event, and decided that a pattern exists where it doesn't.  Hamlet has, like, three Acts; is Hamlet a pattern-indicator of Shakespeare's work overall?

-  Women, per gender deference [often mistaken for "Chivalry"], are more of a majority
-  than i would be in, myself happening to be a white male.

yes, i have been to prison.  yes, my felonies bear the nomen "Stalker-".  at the time, the only way to get Felony-Stalking in Kansas was to have violated a Protection From Stalking Order; yes, i violated two separate Protection From Stalking Orders, with apology missives.  my actions afterthefact do not merit the accusation that i was a Stalker any more true, and does not make those judges any less gender-biased than they actually are.

Exhibit One, of the Civil Case Treloggen vs. Bolhuis, even has Kansas State Supreme Court of Appeals as admitting that [when left to their own devices] any given Kansas Judge can and likely would do what Judge Johnson did.  after my Felony convictions, and during my first few months of incarceration for them, the language of the law in Kansas chaged from "There is a threshold which must be crossed in order for Harassment to have become Stalking," to "Only Cyber Bullying is Harassment; all other harassment is Stalking because, now, the definition of Stalking is 'unwanted interaction'."

my second civil case was Lions vs. Bolhuis and, because a woman accused me [a man] it was already clear [in his mind] that i was guilty even before i opened my mouth {as it were} to her to invite her over for a bite of ice cream.  Judge Johnson saw no reason to make note of timestamps and, because he'd already shown Kansas State Supreme Court of Appeals who's boss in Treloggen vs. Bolhuis [after which, the entry for Smith vs. Martens was swapped out for an abridged account in LexusNexus], Judge Johnson decided that it didn't matter that four hours had passed from when i dropped the issue with Miss Lions--it was finally herself, apparently, who asked me to stop, and not just a clearly over-bearing, over-protective, domineering mother--to when Miss Lions' father attacked me, and when Miss Lions issued the Petition for Protection From Stalking Order..
     FOUR HOURS!!! and Judge Johnson said that that wasn't a long enough space for me to have not been "stalking" Miss Lions.

my third civil case was Powers vs. Bolhuis, and that one was a trip.

i pointed out that there wasn't 2/3 states who agreed even on the Language of an Anti-Stalking law [referencing Article V of CONUS], and Kansas certainly was {definitely is since 2013} in its own boat with it, therefore Judge Johnson should NOT go by Kansas Law [which is unlawfully enstated] and should, rather, use another state's law for a Hearing Standard [refering to the Objective Standard given in Exhibit One of Treloggen vs. Bolhuis], preferably one who was in what is the closest to 34 states agreeing.
     his words, "That's how I took it!" are transcribed, and the context of his exclamation is such that he definitely would not be objective, and so could not be impartial, and so should not have been the judge who was hearing ANY of my civil cases {let alone my relative criminal cases, and Judge Thompson shouldn't have heard any of those cases of mine, either.}.

i didn't describe the above to attempt to gain empathy.  i didn't describe the above to attempt to persuade you to do anything positive about those cases; without those cases, and without their result remaining, there would be no argument on my part for the truth that what the vast majority sees as being majorities and minorities is wholly wrong.

Senator McConnell ...

at least, even though his "Make America Great Again" campaign focused on the middle-class, there were a lot of things that he [the proof being in the pudding] Trump was trying to do which would have benefitted the impoverished [a small-picture minority that i happen to be a member of, and happen to have been since about 10:33PST-Noveemer 21, 1983].

what do we need poor people for, though, right? why should we do anything that would make them not poor anymore?

this last round of Stimulus [which was, truthfully, not Round 3 but was Round 2/Part 2, right?] came about because Biden sent out Exectutive Orders that they would be taken care of, that they would happen.

in November, though maybe not the same way, Trump sent out those EXACT SAME Executive Orders, and what happened?  the Senate having the Supreme Court in its pocket {and so SCUSA would not rule according to checks and balances but rather according to checks, right?}, Supreme Court ruled that such Executive Orders are Unconstitutional, and yet ... here we are.

how is Biden better than Trump, as that context goes; "What context?" how does Biden have more strategic value to the Republican Senate than Trump did, so that Trump couldn't get in the net what Biden was permitted to?
     what's the manipulation for? what's the "end game", Senator McConnell?

THE Majority, today's society, is nothing but bull-headed people.  children who grow up to be adult-aged children, and it's a Philosophical Majority which is indiscriminant otherwise.

people who claim to be Christian don't do Christian things, don't follow Jesus Christ at all; people who claim to be Christian hate a lot of people.

same with Muslims, Hebrews/Jews, ...

why call white people a majority, when all other colors [combined] hate white people every bit as much as a certain amount of white people hate them back?  even a Combined Majority is a Majority, is it not? and STILL the majority is the group of people who treat life and the world like it's a grade school playground, where the smallest person [the new guy, maybe] seeks out the biggest cock on the block and endevours to KO the poor bastard.

The Majority is the group of people who, like piranha and hyenas, can't do a damned thing by themselves, have to be hyped up by the people around them in order to feel good about themselves, and whom [once it's clear they can't win a fight] horde together and become one enemy out of many. ...

in the last few months, it has been announced that a Copyright Small Claims Board has been written into law.

granted, it might take a while to select the members of that committee, and i would very much like to be an Advocate/Mediator for this board.  i would need to be given room and board [preferably in Louisville, KY because it's only a 20 hour Greyhound ride away from Salina, KS and is a far, far better venue for my studies and work than Salina, KS would be], and i would love to be given six MSI GE76 laptops [three pre-installed with Windows and three pre-installed with SUSE Enterprise] to have two to work with and the other four for backups and backups of backups.

having admitted that Copyright Small Claims Board has likely not yet been formed, there should at least be a Yeoman/Quartermaster corps already working, so that anyone whom would otherwise abuse DMCA [like they've been permitted to do for the entirety of this year from May 19, 2020o May 19, 2021] may submit grievances to the new Board instead of a) sending grievances to, say, Twitch and YouTube who are idiots and who should no longer have DMCA-Compliance language in their "Terms Of Service" and/or b) "hacking" into "Creators"' accounts and manually redacting even just a microsecond of a song from a stream's pre-broadcast video on demand.

it wouldn't do anyone any good for me to make this epistle any longer than it is.

it wouldn't do any of you any good to not humor me, and to not listen to the description of The Majority [self-entitled, self-righteous bunch of adult-aged children and biggots.} that i have just given you.

if you need to, let's play a game:  if what Brandon Eugene Bolhuis [regardless that he's alone in his observation, whether objectively witnessed or fantasized] is true, ... then what does all of this other stuff look like, under this new lense?

what does my own philosophy, my own image of sociology, look like truthfully if what Brandon Eugene Bolhuis says is true?

what can we, then, do for the world to a) correct the common image of what's Majority and what's Minoroty? b) correct not only how we write and deploy law but also how we enforce law? c) stop hating itself and each other?

gun law isn't going to correct anything.  focusing on "correcting" the people who would use guns to kill other people isn't going to correct anything.

focusing on correcting the soil from which all of this hatred and resentment grows will correct everything.

last little bit, just a bonus:  look at the Lottery [i. e. the PowerBall].

recently, i read  a headline said that some dude won upwards of $500,000  FOR THE SIXTH TIME!!!

even dollars in speculation, in foreign bank accounts, etc. is dollars in circulation.  each time someone wins the lottery, new dollars must be minted, and so more dollars go into circulation.

instead of raising minimum wage, how 'bout figuring out how to reduce the number of dollars in circulation? and, no, cyber currency is not the answer; please, try again.

thank you,
brandon eugene bolhuis [OS3 (separated at OSSN)-USNV; Plankowner/Shellback-CVN76]

p.s.-  an attempt to redraw my description of what is actually The Majority:  the vast majority of people, of upwards of 7 Billion people, are like-minded with each other.  you are like-minded in what success looks like, in what investment [including sacrifice] success merits, and in what your children should believe success, "respect" and how to get success and respect look like.  none of that philosophy, including your behavioural reasoning, has anything to do with anything other than philosophy; has nothing to do with race, religion, gender, ... etc. ...  i am the minority because--thanks to the combination of my Schizotypal Personality and my PTSD--there well never have been anyone like-minded with me, and it is too much work [too far of a "detour"] for anyone who would insist that i need a "mental" health checkup to get one theirself.
     also:  there is mental health,  there is behavioural healt, and there is emotional health; it would behoove yous for law to be written that they shoulld not all be lumped into "mental health".  the vast majority of crowd shooters have neither mental nor behavioural problems; they have emotional problems, similar to PTSD [maybe, sometimes, the crowd shooter has PTSD].  pointing our fingers at the one individual, and turning a blind eye to the cruelty visited on that one person by the people around him {hell, by The Vast Majority of upwards of Seven Billion people} ... just puts you squarely, assuredly in the majority.

p.p.s-  part of this does happen to be me begging for six MSI GE76 laptops [three with pre-installed Windows and three with Pre-Installed SUSE Enterprise] because a) i happen to be poor, and a next Stimulus that i would be eligible for [since, as advertised, i am eligible for the current Plus-Up payments that are going out and, yet, i am not in practice eligible] will not be any "monthly until this pandemic is behind us AND we are even-keel" deal, much less $2000/month.
     i will never have won Lucky For Life nor the current Publishers Clearing House lottery, to receive $1000/day, and i have just lobbied against lottery anyway.
     i need these laptops for my PTSD therapy, too, because my recommended therapy is immersive therapy and Internet Live-stream Broadcasting is included [nowadays] in immersive social interaction.  i would even take an IronBow-loaner MSI GE76 from VA for my therapy, and the other five for my other desired hobby [Advocacy an Mediation for the new Copyright Small Claims Board] and for backups of backups because i will be putting FireCuda and HyperX upgrad parts in them all.
     the laptop that i have is home-ridden with a busted keyboard, and my landlord [Collier Leasing in Salina, KS] isn't inclined to let me have cable internet--much less 1Gbps.  That's ok, though, because the cultural [aka philosophical] majority is far more dense in Salina, KS than it is in Louisville, KY, i need a change of scenery after 16 years anyway, and Louisville has both Doc Crows and O'Shay's.

17 May 2021

desired rig for GooseandClover Broadcasting

15.6" rig, so that it fits in covers that i already own; i happen to be a practical idiot professional.

nVidia shop lists these for studio work [streaming-capable RTX graphics; not all RTX is "streaming-capable"]:


{i can work with renewed.} https://smile.amazon.com/MSI-9TM-857-Workstation-i7-9750H-Fingerprint/dp/B08Q6LRWL7/

-  https://smile.amazon.com/MSI-WS65-9TL-686-Workstation-Fingerprint/dp/B07R5CBH5N/

nVidia blog lists this for studio work [streaming-capable RTX graphics]:


desired upgrade drives from Seagate:



-  {i'm guessing that, if these laptops take Gen 4 NVMe, they'll take also the Gen 3.} https://smile.amazon.com/dp/B07ZPRPFQY/

as for the desired memory upgrade from HyperX, it depends on if the laptop [from the list above] that i get takes UDIMM or SODIMM, looks like.

in my HP 15 [discontinued and, now, unsupported by HP] i recently put a HyperX Impact DDR3 SODIMM, and it's working like a dream with the FireCuda.  i haven't decided on the Fury [leaning toward the Fury, though] or the Predator for the laptops above, if they take UDIMM, and idk if a) these laptops will take the RGB nor b) if the RGB would benefit these laptops for studio work [primarily over gaming] or not.

15 May 2021

first update on the fanficked third book of Legacy Of Tril

Working Title = "Soulborne"; Book Three by Brandon Eugene Bolhuis

Series = Legacy Of Tril by Z Brewer [@butucancallmez]


"Kleine veranderingen kunnen een groot verschil maken." ~ Bolhuis Family Motto [adopted by Brandon Eugene Bolhuis May 2021]

-  {"It takes only one difference to make a difference."}


Work In Progress Excerpt from Pre-Prologue Prologue
Working Title = "Soulborne"; Book Three by Brandon Eugene Bolhuis
Series = Legacy Of Tril by Z Brewer [@butucancallmez]


"Why are you doing this, Grandpa?" she asked.  "Doing what?" he replied, looking carefully at Cheyenne.  "Why are you here, now, reading this story to me that I've read to myself a hundred times?"

"'Here ... now'? ..."  he wasn't sure what she'd meant, so he asked her to give him a moment, and went to the living room to chat with her father.

"What did you do to Cheyenne?"

"I didn't do anything to Seamus," the younger said with some venom.  "You told him that it's ok to not be himself, so I took him to a doctor who made him forget all of your 'positivity'." ...

Cheyenne coughed just then.

Cheyenne Eugene was just a child, yet, and it's a tragedy that her father wouldn't let her learn about all of the evil in the world; all of the Real evil in the world.  Her family's history will have to teach her; it's all she has left.


Work In Progress Excerpt from Prologue
Working Title = "Soulborne"; Book Three by Brandon Eugene Bolhuis
Series = Legacy Of Tril by Z Brewer [@butucancallmez]


A random guard runs up, sword drawn, "Miss!  What's wrong, Miss?  Who are you screamin' at?"

Kaya points at the figure kneeling before her, "I'm screaming at him!  I'd like to know what he thinks he's doing!"

The guard looks where indicated and asks, again, "What's wrong, Miss?  If I wasn't looking as closely as I am, I would say that you're screaming at the roses and, if you're screaming at the roses, Miss, then ... well, my job, Miss."

Kaya turns to the guard, who looks like he's been here a long while.  She wonders why they havent met before, gives the guard a hard look, then turns back to ... nothing.  She looks around frantically, "Where'd he go?"

The guard moves over to stand where Kaya had pointed, and knelt down to take a look, "I'll humor you, Miss, and I have to say that I think you're touched."  Lost in thought, commending the situation, the guard brushes a hand lightly through the grass, then snaps it back suddenly; puts his finger in his mouth.

Blood?  Fire?  Hell of a day to be his first day on the job, and himself just a refugee who was snatched off of the street for it.

The guard sets the sword aside and unsheaths a dagger, taps around with it some to find something sticking up out of the bed.

"Why would anyone bury something like that pommel-down?" he wondered.  "Pardon?" Kaya asked, distracted, still looking around for the stranger.

"Why would anyone use just a dagger, buried upside-down, for a trap, Miss?" and with it so easy to dig up?


14 May 2021

"link tree" for "bolhuisbe"

main Twitch strim

Twitch "sideshow"

sandbox/showroom [non-community] Discord server

-  community Discord server is under construction

-  secondary Twitch channel

main YouTube strim

-  secondary YouTube strim

Facebook = brandone.bolhuis
-  Instagram = brandone.bolhuis
Twitter = BolhuisE

my CoStar Chart {funny that this changes over time.}
-  the main problem that i have with most astrologers:  i was born at 2233 [under the moon] on 21Nov1983, in Fresno CA. ...  my Moon Sign ['cause i was born under the moon] is Scorpio.  the most common Sun Sign i've been told i have is Leo, and only CoStar has told me anything about a "Rising" Sign.

13 May 2021

original lyrics [as recorded] for "Smooth Criminal"

{"final answer", after having listened to the a cappella track on the Moonwalker single record--for correcting myself on "She went underneath the table."--at 0031 [12:31am] CDT/USA on 20Oct2024.}

from both the album Bad and the movie Moonwalker

i sat here, yesterday, and listened to the song--went back and repeated, for mysef, every piece that needed to be repeated so that i got this right.

this is one of my favourite songs of all time, someone [during conversation] stated that they wonder what the actual lyrics are, and i've kicked myself for it having taken this long [i'm 37 years old, so ... 33 years 0_0 ...] ... for me to have sat here and gotten the lyrics down right for myself.

"Smooth Criminal" by Michael Jackson
from the album Bad and the movie Moonwalker

As he came in through the window, was the sound of a crescendo.

He commended her apartment.  He left the bloodstains on the carpet.

She was underneath the table.  He could see she was an eyeball,

so she ran into the bedroom.  She was struck down; it was her doom.

  -  Annie, are you ok?
  -  Annie, are you ok? are you ok, Annie?

  -  Annie, are you ok?
  -  Annie, are you ok? are you ok, Annie?

  -  Annie, are you ok?
  -  Annie, are you ok? are you ok, Annie?

  -  Annie, are you ok?
  -  Annie, are you ok? are you ok, Annie?

  -  Annie, are you ok?  Will you tell us that you're ok?
  -  There's a sign on the window that he struck you.  A crescendo, Annie!
  -  He commanded your apartment, left the bloodstains on the carpet
  -  and, then, you ran into the bedroom.  You were struck down; it was your doom.

  -  Annie, are you ok?
  -  Annie, are you ok? are you ok, Annie?

  -  Annie, are you ok?
  -  Annie, are you ok? are you ok, Annie?

  -  Annie, are you ok?
  -  Annie, are you ok? are you ok, Annie?
  -  You've been hit by, you've been hit by a smooth criminal.

So, they came in through the outway.  It was Sunday, but a black day.

Mouth to mouth resuscitation, resounding heartbeats, interrogations.

  -  Annie, are you ok?
  -  Annie, are you ok? are you ok, Annie?

  -  Annie, are you ok?
  -  Annie, are you ok? are you ok, Annie?

  -  Annie, are you ok?
  -  Annie, are you ok? are you ok, Annie?

  -  Annie, are you ok?
  -  Annie, are you ok? are you ok, Annie?

  -  Annie, are you ok?  Will you tell us that you're ok?
  -  There's a sign on the window that he struck you.  A crescendo, Annie!
  -  He commanded your apartment, left the bloodstains on the carpet
  -  and, then, you ran into the bedroom.  You were struck down; it was your doom.

*-  Annie, are you ok?
  -  Annie, are you ok? are you ok, Annie?

  -  Annie, are you ok?
  -  Annie, are you ok? are you ok, Annie?

  -  Annie, are you ok?
  -  Annie, are you ok? are you ok, Annie?
  -  you've been hit by, you've been struck by a smooth criminal!

*-Annie, are you ok?
  -Annie, are you ok? are you ok, Annie?

"commended" means "appraised" or "looked around".

"eyeball" means "witness".

"outway" meaning "door in the back that can be opened from only the inside". {"they" in this lyric refers to emergency services.}

11 May 2021

My Very First Product Review Blog Post

i won a loot-dropped gift card, playing Marbles on @inviicta 's twitch stream.

because @inviicta 's stream was already involved [i have several Twitch-friends who are Sneak Partners], i used the creator code INVIICTA when i checked out.

even without the creator discount and the loot-drop, turned out that Sneak is a cost-effective choice:  after about my third sip, i felt awake and ready--rather than awake and "jazzed", which is its own little feeling for me.

like with GFuel, you need to shake it every time you pick it up, and the flavour doesn't settle with the sediment with Sneak so, really, imma experiment a tiny bit and see if mixing it with warm water works better than the popular thing to do.

i tried the Sour Apple flavour first; it tastes like an apple, rather than only like sour, imo, so a huge round of applause to Sneak for that.

... but, yeah, i have Twitch-friends with other coffee, energy drink, and food replacement brands {i, myself, would love to be sponsored by Soccer Supplement.}, i enjoy being eclectic, and Sneak has turned out to be pretty honest; imo.

hopefully, it's only a glitch on my end that's preventing me from using my Military Discount [i'm a veteran] because i will definitely buy a lot of Sneak, whether i'm sponsored by anyone or not; they, now, [as the kids say] live in my head rent-free. <3

01 May 2021

{written and misplaced 30May2021} - i'll stream on YouTube, and it'll take another year to prepare for it.

a pair of things [so, two things, one whole event] happened, today, and i am debating if i should go ahead and stream on Twitch or not.

there are streamers and moderators who think they can get away with treating people like crap, and they can because ... well, strength in numbers and Twitch is more inclined to take the word of the numbers over the word of the one.

yes, i keep a running tally of the channels that i'm banned from, on my Twitch About tab, and a lot of those bans are only because i keep that list.

today, i got unbanned and rebanned in the span if a breath, and Twitch isn't going to do anything to that streamer for being toxic, so that entire list gets to sit there and laugh at me, treat people like crap, because they're protected by a crowd of other toxic people, who all tell the same story.

if i was the toxic streamer, Twitch should and would penalize me; they won't touch that list, and i feel like i want to not stream on a platform who's toxic by proxy. :/

you guys might check 'em out and decide that there's nothing wrong with those streamers--nothing wrong with their mods, even--and tell me that my ptsd is just making me fantasize mistreatment.

well, so be it, ya' know?  i don't mind being alone.

i won't be tuning into any streams over the weekend; i'm feeling pretty angry.

for "GooseandClover Broadcasting"-branded apparel

https://gemplers.com/products/carhartt-storm-defender-loose-fit-heavyweight-jacket https://gemplers.com/products/carhartt-mens-dry-harbor-ra...