US Copyright Act
since each Digital Media Copyright Act [DCMA] and Fair Use Act are only Sections under Title 17 [US Copyright Act]: US Copyright Act, as a whole, governs DMCA and applies "Fair Use" upon DMCA.
Amazon has been working hard, including the provision of their Amazon Music Extension--which can be used in-browser on Mac/PC only, even though it kinda comes up when invoked on a mobile device--to migrate the copyright [or license to hold copyright] of streamed music over to streamers who are playing copies of music that they haven't purchased [purchase implies copyright ownership of the owned copy of the work].
it is not Amazon's fault that Twitch Streamers don't cooperate, that their streamers on Twitch choose to try to cheat the system rather than at least educate themselves on US Copyright Law.
there happen to also be International Branches of Twitch and each country has its own copyright laws. the only content that US Copyright Law cares about [as far as the DMCA controversy on Twitch] is music that was published And released in the United States.
it is also not Amazon's fault that Record Labels don't educate Themselves on US Copyright Law. a "Takedown Request" must be signed off on by a Justice or a lesser Judge in representation of US Copyright Law, so the vast majority of the "Takedown Requests" that Amazon has been appeasing are likely unlawful, but what do i know?
at any rate: any given Twitch Streamer's best bet is to pay for subscription to Amazon Music Unlimited in their country, so that they may make full use of the Amazon Music Extension. better still, purchase the digital copies of the music that you want to play FROM AMAZON, and play only that and from your Amazon Music Unlimited subscription through your Amazon Music Extension.
lastly, use honey rather than nothing: give shoutouts to the artists/bands; in those shoutouts, maybe, mention the album that carries the track and the label which produced THAT album [one song might be on several different albums, produced by several Labels, because the ULTIMATE COPYRIGHT HOLDER OF THAT SONG IS THE ARTIST/BAND (says so in US Copyright Act)].
22 October 2020
Title 17 [US Copyright Act] and Fair Use Act vs Digital Media Copyright Act
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